Welcome to my personal web site. It includes my blog, software I've written, etc.
Thank you for visiting.
— Arthur A. GlecklerWelcome to my personal web site. It includes my blog, software I've written, etc.
Thank you for visiting.
— Arthur A. GlecklerWeather Dashboard displayed on M5Paper
Weather dashboard on a battery-powered e-ink screen.
The Stomachion, rendered using NanoVG-REPL
It's easy to do standard 2D graphics from Scheme, even without a foreign function interface.
ICFP 2022 logo
I had the honor to be co-chair, with Andy Keep, of this year's Scheme Workshop, held as part of ICFP 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The talks are now on YouTube.
ICFP 2019 logo, based on the Ampelmännchen
I had a great time in Berlin at this year'sScheme Workshop, part of ICFP 2019.
The talks are now on YouTube.
The Bay Area Lisp and Scheme Users Group meets a few times every year to discuss many topics from a Lisp and Scheme point of view.
To date, we have thirty-two talks on our YouTube playlist.
I gave a talk on SRFI, the Scheme Requests for Implementation, at the Scheme Workshop 2018.
Use these interactive maps to visualize where you've been in the USA and in the world.