ICFP 2022 logo
I had the honor to be co-chair, with Andy Keep, of this year's Scheme Workshop, held as part of ICFP 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Videos of the talks are now on YouTube. We're still working on publishing the proceedings. Once they're available, I'll update this blog entry. I plan to make an announcement on /r/scheme, too.
Here was the program:
- Why Functional Programming Matters in CS Education, by Marco T Morazan (YouTube)
- Scheme Pearl: Quantum Continuations, by Borislav Agapiev Yotta, Vikraman Choudhury, and Amr Sabry (YouTube)
- Macro-embedding Compiler Intermediate Languages in Racket, by William J. Bowman (YouTube)
- Scheme Requests for Implementation Status Report, by Arthur Gleckler (YouTube)
- Automating the Design Recipe, by Hazel Levine and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (YouTube)
- Introducing Visual Scheme for Applications: Modernizing Office Solutions on the CLR, by Bob Calco (YouTube)
- An FFI between Gambit Scheme and CPython, by Marc-André Bélanger and Marc Feeley (YouTube)
- R7RS Large Status Report, by John Cowan (YouTube)
- Programming is (should be) fun!, by Gerald Jay Sussman (YouTube)
Many thanks to all the people who presented at the workshop, to the Program Committee, and to the many ICFP volunteers who made it all happen.
By the way, next year's ICFP will be held in Seattle.